Word Count: 528
Average Read Time: 2 minutes 38 seconds
Have you ever been told, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” We all have! What if I told you, not only is breakfast not the most important meal of the day, but it could actually be causing you more harm than good?
Many years ago, when the vast majority of jobs required intense manual labor, a large breakfast was certainly important. After all, you need enough fuel to last until lunchtime. Times have changed. Most jobs require little to no manual labor. Breakfast is simply no longer important for most people.
In fact, if your goal is fat loss, eating breakfast could actually be working against you. Let’s say you prescribe to the old adage, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” If you’re doing this, you’re eating most of your Calories immediately upon waking up.
Assuming you’re trying to stick to a Calorie target, this leaves you with very few Calories to work with for the rest of the day. The problem is, the average person will be busiest early in the day and least busy later in the day.
In other words, the average person, following this advice, will be both bored and hungry at the end of the day. Do you see how this is a recipe for disaster?
What To Do Instead
For most people with a typical nine-to-five, I would recommend following the exact opposite advice. I would recommend you eat breakfast like a pauper, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a king. This will allow you to have the most wiggle room at the end of the day, when you’re least busy.
This advice is even more beneficial if you’re dieting and the rest of your family isn’t, since it will allow you to eat what everyone else is eating for dinner. This will help prevent you from feeling restricted, which in turn, will greatly increase the odds of you sticking to the plan.
In fact, if it doesn’t make you feel sick and you aren’t training first thing in the morning, I would recommend you skip breakfast alltogether.
“In fact, if it doesn’t make you feel sick and you aren’t training first thing in the morning, I would recommend you skip breakfast alltogether.”
When should I eat breakfast?
There are four scenarios where I would recommend eating breakfast:
You work an intense manual labor job.
You feel sick if you don’t eat breakfast.
You’re on a high-Calorie diet and need the extra meal to hit your Calorie goal.
You train in the morning.
What is the most important meal of the day?
The meal you eat pre-workout is the most important meal of the day. Your pre-workout meal fuels your workout and your workout is what initiates your muscle growth, leading to the body you want.
For optimal benefit, eat your pre-workout meal approximately one hour before your workout. Eat approximately 0.4 grams of carbs per pound of body weight. For example, I weigh 188. 188 * 0.4 = 75g carbs. (If you’re on a low-Calorie diet, you may want to lower that number to 0.3 or 0.2 grams per pound in order to save Calories for the rest of the day.)
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