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As we begin the second quarter of 2021, the vast majority of people will have given up on their New Year resolution. With around 80% of people abandoning the promises they make for themselves by the second week of February, you may not even have given them any thought for the last couple of months. If you’ve slipped with your resolution, don’t worry. You aren’t alone.
The good news is that you can get right back on track any time you want - including right now. There are a few things you can do to help you with that!
1) Figure Out If The Goal Still Is The Goal
Sometimes people give up on their new year resolutions simply because they’re the wrong goal for them. They set their goals based on what they think they should want or what other people are doing - and then find themselves lacking the motivation to stick with it.
That’s hardly surprising if it was something that you didn’t care about in the first place. The first step in getting back on track with your resolution is checking that you still actually value the goal you set. If you find that you aren’t inspired by it, and you want to set a new goal - that’s fine too.
2) Seek Out Accountability
There are three tiers of accountability. The most straightforward option is to find a coach or personal trainer; Someone who will make sure you do what you said you would. This might be in-person or online, but ultimately, it's a professional that you're handing over responsibility to.
The second possibility is to belong to a community with similar goals. This could be a group of people you train with at the gym, like friends you do a class with every week. Or a single friend who you train on the gym floor with. Ensure that the in-person accountability you choose helps you get your workouts done rather than encouraging you to skip training. It could also be a group of people online, such as a community on social media. As long as the people are supportive and motivational, they can help keep you accountable.
Finally, the most advanced level of accountability is to yourself. This involves scheduling your workouts in your calendar as a priority meeting with yourself. It can involve some shifts in identity to be the type of person that does what they said they were going to do. Creating that kind of relationship with yourself is an advanced method but the most powerful for long-term, lasting change.
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3) Get a Custom Plan
Often when you give up on a New Year's resolution, it's because the program you tried to follow wasn't the right training plan for your needs. There are usually a couple of things that could be a problem.
First, you might try to do too much too soon and potentially end up injuring yourself. Even if you were lucky enough to escape without an injury, you might get such severe delayed onset muscle soreness that leaves you feeling so sore that you have to take a lot of time off to recover. When this happens, it can be tough to get into a good routine.
Secondly, trying to follow a plan that's too easy can be a problem because it doesn't produce results, which feels frustrating. Or it simply becomes boring to "go through the motions".
Maybe, you didn't have a plan at all. You turned up to the gym and did whatever you thought would be enough, based on the available equipment. Again, this is unlikely to get any sustainable or predictable results long term.
The solution is to have a structured, custom plan that's based on your goals. If you have existing injuries or preferences towards some exercises over others, you can design your program around these. Your workouts should be sustainable and enjoyable, as well as getting the results you desire.
While working with a dedicated coach or personal trainer isn't the only way to get these results, it's probably the fastest and easiest way to make sure you're putting your efforts into the parts of your training that will pay off the most.
Ensuring you have a straightforward method of measuring your progress and performance is also part of your journey to successfully achieving your goals.
Finally, and often the part that people overlook when it comes to setting any resolution: making sure that you enjoy your workouts, and they're leaving you feeling energized rather than broken and sore.
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