"I need to think about it."

Word Count: 503
Average Read Time: 1 minute 50 seconds

"I need to think about it."

This seems like the most sensible statement you can make when faced with a big decision.

In reality, those six words are preventing you from reaching your goal of losing weight, looking better, and feeling better.

When I first started coaching, I wasn’t a very good coach. I say this because any time I had a potential client on the phone, if they said “I need to think about it”, I immediately let them off the hook.

I didn’t want to come off as the stereotypical pushy used car salesman. The truth is, after thousands of calls with potential clients, the number one sentence I hear is, “I need accountability.”

Now, having had those thousands of calls and having trained several hundred clients, I understand I’m doing the person on the phone a disservice if I don’t challenge them when they say “I need to think about it.”

I need to think about it can mean a lot of things. It can mean:

👉”I need to look at my budget.”

👉”I need to talk to my spouse.”

👉“I have questions but am afraid to ask.”

👉“I don’t want to say no so I’m going to ghost you instead.”

👉“I 100% plan on doing this but I want to sleep on it first.”

Regardless of what it means, the reality I’ve learned is, if you say those six words, There’s over an 80% chance you will not take action on your goals.

Even if you have the 100% honest intention of starting, something will get in the way. (There’s a reason “I’ll start Monday” is one of the most popular sentences in the English language.)

👉Madison went 1.5 years after we spoke before she finally signed up.

👉Tracy went 6 months after we spoke and gained 20 more lbs before she finally signed up.

👉Samantha went for over 2 years after we spoke before she signed up.

And those are people who eventually did sign up. Unfortunately, most people who need to think about it never sign up.

One person I spoke with, who we’ll call John, was having some health issues due to his weight. He said, in all honesty, he thought he’d be dead within the next couple of years if he didn’t make a change.

Based on what we had talked about, I was confident the program would be a good fit for him. I explained how we’d help him get to his goal.

He said it was EXACTLY what he needed but he wanted to think about it.

He never signed up and last I heard, he was continuing to move further away from his goals.

“I need to think about it” are six of the most dangerous words that can come out of your mouth. If you have a goal to lose weight, feel better, and look better, you HAVE to take action.

If you’re ready to finally take action on your goals, comment the words “TAKE ACTION” below and I’ll reach out.