how to naturally increase immune system

How To Naturally Build Your Immune System

Word Count: 332
Average Read Time: 1 minute 13 seconds

There are many people using COVID19 as an opportunity to fear monger and sell crappy products that promise to send your immune system through the roof, but leave it lying on the floor. Don’t waste your money. There are several simple things you can do to improve your immune system, naturally.

How to Improve My Immune System

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Moderate levels of exercise have been shown to boost immune function. [1]

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People who sleep less than six hours per day have been found to be 4.2x more likely to catch a common cold. (We can assume this would also apply to the likelihood of catching other illnesses.) [2] [3]

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Stress suppresses the immune system. [4] Do things that help you destress. Sleep more. Exercise more. Meditate. Pray. Go for a walk. Take up a hobby.

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Limit Alcohol

(Excessive) Alcohol intake also suppresses the immune system.[5] Men, if your goal is to boost immune function, you should drink less than 20g of alcohol per day (~2 beers or glasses of wine). Women should drink less than 10g of alcohol per day (~1 beer or glass of wine).

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Get Plenty of Zinc

Zinc deficiencies can lead to suppressed immune systems.[6] A few great sources of zinc are red meat, shellfish, legumes, and dairy products.

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Get Plenty of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is widely known as an effective immune booster.[7] A few great sources of vitamin C are kiwis, chili peppers, strawberries, mustard greens, and oranges.


Do these things and you’ll be supporting your immune system. Don’t buy crappy supplements. If you have questions or need help staying or getting fit in this time of crisis, shoot me a message. I’d be happy to help!

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