4 Reasons Why Online Training Is The FUTURE of Fitness
At Treadaway Training, we help busy professionals get more results in less time, through online training. We know online training is the future of fitness and in this article, we're going to tell you why.
1) More Accessible
Have you ever heard of a coach that gets amazing results but you couldn't work with them because you lived too far away? Not anymore! Online training removes that barrier. You can work with a coach that operates out of any corner of the globe from the comfort of your home or your local gym.
2) More Flexible
Do you have a demanding schedule that leaves you unable to keep regular appointments with a trainer? No worries! With online training, you don't have to worry about cancellation fees or losing a session because you had a meeting come up last minute. You can workout whenever you can fit it in your schedule.
3) More Capable
One of the main problems with most face-to-face trainers is the services offered are simply outdated. We utilize the power of the Treadaway Training app in addition to our coaching experience to ensure the best results. Here's one example of this in practice:
Based on the last seven days, this looks a lot like a fat loss stall, but because we have the ability to look at every weigh-in ever recorded, I know that this client has not hit a fat loss stall. Based on her average weigh-ins for the last seven days vs. the seven days before that, I know that she has actually lost 1.11 pounds since last week and no changes need to be made to her diet.
We can also apply this same process to determine if and when a client hits a stall in the gym. Having this information allows us to ensure more consistent results and avoid making changes to a program before they are needed.
(I would like to note, we include this with our face-to-face clients as well, not just our online clients.)
4) Less Risk
In case you don't believe me yet, I have one final point. Most (reputable) online training services offer a 100% money back guarantee if you decide online training isn't for you, within a set period of time. (We have a one-month money back guarantee.) This is much less common with face-to-face trainers.
I don't want this article to sound like an advertisement for Treadaway Training; however, online training is simply a superior option for most people. On top of that, it's also more affordable. Don't believe me? Go to our online training packages page. I'm not asking you to buy anything. Just go and look at everything that's included in our packages and compare that to what the typical trainer offers. Once you do that, you'll see why online training is the future of fitness.
Thank you so much for reading! If you found this information helpful, share it with a friend. I would appreciate it and I know they will too. If you like what I have to say, sign up below to become a Treadaway Training insider and never miss a post or video. I will be back here Tuesday with another fat loss topic. As always, God bless you AND your family and I'll see you Tuesday.